Terms of Use

This website ("Site") is provided by Dr Raindrop, LLC as a service to our customers. The Site includes without limitation  services offered through drraindrop.com  information such as product, pricing, marketing and other valuable information and content such as data, text, photographs, graphics, messages or other materials. 


Additional Terms

Additional policies and terms may apply to specific portions of the Site and may not be included as part of these Terms (“Special Terms”). Please refer and review all additional Special Terms. If there is a conflict between these Terms and Special Terms, the latter shall have precedence with respect to your use of that area of the Site.

Modification Of Site Terms

We may revise these Terms, Special Terms and/or our Privacy Policy at any time without notice, and in our sole discretion. If Terms or Special Terms are revised, we will post the new terms on the Site and note the date they were last updated. Any changes or modifications will be effective upon posting of the Terms or Special Terms as revised, and your use of the Site following the posting will constitute your acceptance of the Terms and Special Terms as revised. Please review these Terms and Special Terms on a regular basis.

Accessing The Website And Account Security

We reserve the right to withdraw or amend this Website, and any service or material we provide on the Website, in our sole discretion without notice. We will not be liable if for any reason all or any part of the Website is unavailable at any time or for any period. From time to time, we may restrict access to some parts of the Website, or the entire Website, to users, including registered users. You are responsible for:

Ensuring that all persons who access the Website through your Internet connection are aware of these Terms of Use and comply with them.

Intellectual Property Rights

The Website and its entire contents, features and functionality (including but not limited to all information, software, text, displays, images, video and audio, and the design, selection and arrangement thereof), are owned by the Company, its licensors or other providers of such material and are protected by United States and international copyright, trademark, patent, trade secret and other intellectual property or proprietary rights laws. These Terms of Use permit you to use the Website for your personal, non-commercial use only. You must not reproduce, distribute, modify, create derivative works of, publicly display, publicly perform, republish, download, store or transmit any of the material on our Website, except as follows:

Your computer may temporarily store copies of such materials in RAM incidental to your accessing and viewing those materials.

You may store files that are automatically cached by your Web browser for display enhancement purposes.

You may print or download one copy of a reasonable number of pages of the Website for your own personal, non-commercial use and not for further reproduction, publication or distribution.

You must not:

Modify copies of any materials from this site.

Delete or alter any copyright, trademark or other proprietary rights notices from copies of materials from this site.

You must not access or use for any commercial purposes any part of the Website or any services or materials available through the Website. If you print, copy, modify, download or otherwise use or provide any other person with access to any part of the Website in breach of the Terms of Use, your right to use the Website will cease immediately and you must, at our option, return or destroy any copies of the materials you have made. No right, title or interest in or to the Website or any content on the Website is transferred to you, and all rights not expressly granted are reserved by the Company. Any use of the Website not expressly permitted by these Terms of Use is a breach of these Terms of Use and may violate copyright, trademark and other laws.


The Company name and all related names, logos, product and service names, designs and slogans are trademarks of the Company or its affiliates or licensors. You must not use such marks without the prior written permission of the Company. All other names, logos, product and service names, designs and slogans on this Website are the trademarks of their respective owners.

Prohibited Uses

You may use the Website only for lawful purposes and in accordance with these Terms of Use. You agree not to use the Website

In any way that violates any applicable federal, state, local or international law or regulation (including, without limitation, any laws regarding the export of data or software to and from the US or other countries).

For the purpose of exploiting, harming or attempting to exploit or harm minors in any way by exposing them to inappropriate content, asking for personally identifiable information or otherwise.

To send, knowingly receive, upload, download, use or re-use any material, which does not comply with the Content Standards set out in these Terms of Use.

To transmit, or procure the sending of, any advertising or promotional material without our prior written consent, including any "junk mail", "chain letter" or "spam" or any other similar solicitation.

To impersonate or attempt to impersonate the Company, a Company employee, another user or any other person or entity (including, without limitation, by using e-mail addresses associated with any of the foregoing).

To engage in any other conduct that restricts or inhibits anyone's use or enjoyment of the Website, or which, as determined by us, may harm the Company or users of the Website or expose them to liability

Additionally, you agree not to:

Use the Website in any manner that could disable, overburden, damage, or impair the site or interfere with any other party's use of the Website, including their ability to engage in real time activities through the Website.

Use any robot, spider or other automatic device, process or means to access the Website for any purpose, including monitoring or copying any of the material on the Website.

Use any manual process to monitor or copy any of the material on the Website or for any other unauthorized purpose without our prior written consent.

Use any device, software or routine that interferes with the proper working of the Website.

Introduce any viruses, Trojan horses, worms, logic bombs or other material, which is malicious or technologically harmful.

Attempt to gain unauthorized access to, interfere with, damage or disrupt any parts of the Website, the server on which the Website is stored, or any server, computer or database connected to the Website.

Attack the Website via a denial-of-service attack or a distributed denial-of-service attack.

Otherwise attempt to interfere with the proper working of the Website.

Information About You And Your Visits To The Website

All information we collect on this Website is subject to our Privacy Policy. By using the Website, you consent to all actions taken by us with respect to your information in compliance with the Privacy Policy.


All Content, is for educational purposes only. Such Content is intended to supplement, not substitute for, the diagnosis, treatment and advice of a medical professional. Such Content does not cover all possible uses, precautions, side effects and interactions, and should not be construed to indicate that DripDrop is safe for you under every circumstance. Furthermore, some Content comes from third parties and unless expressly stated, DripDrop does not represent or guarantee that such Content is accurate, complete or timely. Consult your medical professional for guidance, and regarding the applicability of any opinions, research results, or recommendations with respect to any symptoms or medical condition.

Health Information

The health information content on this website is for informational purposes only. None of the contents is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or change in health. Never disregard or delay in seeking professional medical advice because of something you have read on this Site. This Site is intended only to recommend Dr Raindrop products for the specified uses and does not recommend or endorse any other specific tests, products, procedures, methods, opinions or other information that may be mentioned on the Site. Reliance on any information provided by or otherwise appearing on this Site is solely at your own risk.

Third Party Content

Certain Content from third parties may be made available as part of the Site or through links from the Site. Generally, these third parties have obtained such Content from sources believed by them to be reliable. Dr Raindrop makes no representation with respect to, nor does it guarantee or endorse the accuracy, completeness, timeliness, reliability, suitability, or correct sequencing of any third party Content. Likewise, Dr Raindrop does not endorse, oppose or edit any opinion or analysis expressed by such third parties. You should refer to the policies posted on third party web sites regarding privacy and terms of use prior to using such sites. You agree that Dr Raindrop is not responsible for third party Content accessible through the Site, including opinions, advice, statements and advertisements, and understand that you bear all risks associated with the use of such content.


You may create a hypertext link to the home page of the Site, but all other linking is prohibited without prior written consent from Dr Raindrop. You may not use, frame or utilize framing techniques to enclose any Dr Raindrop trademark, logo or other proprietary materials, including the images posted on the Site, the Content of any text or the design of any page, or form contained on a page without Dr Raindrop express written consent. Dr Raindrop makes no claim or representation regarding, and accepts no responsibility or liability for, the quality, content, nature or reliability of web sites accessible by hyperlink from the Site, or web sites linking to the Site. Furthermore, these links do not imply endorsement by or affiliation with any third party or any third party web site, products or services provided by any third party.


Any and all Content posted on the Site is owned by Dr Raindrop, LLC and others and is protected by United States  trademark and other laws. Except as stated in these Terms, no Content may be copied, reproduced, distributed, republished, downloaded, displayed, posted or transmitted in any form or by any means, including without limitation, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior written consent of DripDrop Hydration Inc. or the respective owner. You may electronically copy and print to hard copy content for non-commercial, personal use. Any other use is strictly prohibited. You may not use Dr Raindrops name, logo or other trademarks for any purpose without the express written consent of Dr Raindrop, LLC. 

Limitation Of Liability

You understand that we cannot and do not guarantee or warrant that files available for downloading from the internet or the website will be free of viruses or other destructive code you are responsible for implementing sufficient procedures and checkpoints to satisfy your particular requirements for anti virus protection and accuracy of data input and output and for maintaining a means external to our site for any reconstruction of any lost data we will not be liable for any loss or damage caused by a distributed denial of service attack viruses or other technologically harmful material that may infect your computer equipment computer programs data or other proprietary material due to your use of the website or any services or items obtained through the website or to your downloading of any material posted on it or on any website linked to it to the extent permitted by the applicable law dr raindrop is not responsible for the consequences of or reliance on any dr raindrop llc or third party content contained in or information submitted to the site or services obtained through the site and the risk of damage from the foregoing rests entirely with you use of the site is entirely at your own risk the site content and services are provided as is without any warranty of any kind either express or implied including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability fitness for a particular purpose or non infringement of a third party intellectual property rights you agree that dr raindrop llc shall not be liable or responsible for any indirect consequential special or incidental damages including without limitation lost profits or damages that result from inconvenience delay or loss of use of the services provided at or through the site arising out of use or inability to use of the site services or content arrangements made based on information obtained at the site or services obtained through the site even if dr raindrop llc has been advised of the possibility of such damages or losses notwithstanding the foregoing the total liability of dr raindrop llc whether in contract warranty tort including but not limited to negligence product liability strict liability or other theory associated with any claim arising from the site for any reason whatsoever shall be limited to the cost of accessing the site if any some jurisdictions do not allow limitations on implied warranties or the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages if these laws apply to some or all of the above disclaimers exclusions or limitations they may not apply to you and you may have certain additional rights


You agree to defend, indemnify and hold Dr Raindrop and its affiliates harmless from any and all claims, proceedings, damages, injuries, liabilities, losses, costs and expenses (including reasonable attorneys' fees and litigation expenses), relating to or arising from your use of the Site, Services or Content.