Fasting and dehydration.
There are many documented benefits to fasting. Most leading experts agree that consuming 50 calories or less during fasting will keep you in a state of ketosis. You are at increased risk of fluid and electrolyte losses during a fast. Avoid caffeinated beverages and soft drinks. These can increase thirst and caffeine can act like a diuretic. Replacing electrolytes and minerals during your fast will help with headaches, nerve and muscle health.
Dizziness often indicates volume loss. Focus on sodium, potassium, magnesium and zinc replacement along with fluid. Consider calcium replacement with prolonged fasts. Broths and coconut water are great hydration options. I scoop of Dr Raindrop has only 3 g of carbohydrates, 10 calories. It is packed with mineral, electrolytes and vitamins to support your fasting journey.